narrative theme
What is organizing itself in the ongoing
Narrative themes -- the narrative-like themes form, and are formed by, the process of communicative interaction at the same time. Communicative interaction patterns itself in a self-organizing way in which patterns emerge from patterns, constituting the history of interaction.
Narrative in the making vs. narrative told --
The experience of the
- narrative in the making
- Narrative-in-the-making emerges in the living present
- Intrinsically non-linear
- Narrative like themes that normally have no single narrator's perspectives
- Beginnings and endings are rather arbitrary
- Many plots emerge simultaneously
- narrative told
- is retrospective
- linear
The result of this narrative formation is experience patterned in a linear way. Personal identity, self, is then an autobiographical narrative that is continually retold, with variations. Identity is then simultaneously stable with the potential for transformation.
Nature of narrative --
The interactive communication between people forms narrative-like sequences. It is not just that people tell each other stories but that their very experience together is organized in story-like patterns that emerge in their turn-taking going on together --
- the sequential order of narrative provides structure, or plot, that gives the narrative its meaning
- in order to make sense of the constituent parts of he narrative, one must grasp the overall plot
- narratives display sensitivity to what is ordinary and what is exceptional in human interaction
- narrative mediates between the norms of culture and unique individual beliefs, desires, and hopes
- it renders the exceptional comprehensible
- it provides a means of constructing a world and identifying it flow as well as regulating the affects of people