organization design
See Also
John Roberts (2004, pp 16-18) defines the organization variables that make up an organization design as follows --
- people -- a collection of --
- people - a collection of
- talents
- skills
- tastes
- beliefs
- objectives
- how hard they work
- the ends they work for
- sorts of risks they accept
- sorts of rewards they value
- connected to the firm as owners, employees, contractors, etc.
- architecture -- see
organization architecture - routines --
- managerial processes
- policies
- procedures
- official and unofficial
- formal and informal
- routines shape information gathering, transmission, decisions, how decisions are made, how resources are allocated, how performance is monitored, how activities controlled, and how activities are rewarded.
- processes of how work gets done
- mechanisms of how routines are altered
- explicit contracts
- implicit contracts
- ""understandings"" of how things get done
- culture -- fundamental shared values (see
culture )
BAi business organization model --
The BAi business organization model accounts for Roberts' organization design variables in the resources & structure, purpose & environment, and process aspects of the