organizational populations
See Also
Organizational populations -- (Carroll & Hannan, 2000, 74-75)
We define populations as bounded sets of organizations with a common form. Populations are bounded by some kind of social-system boundary (chosen to reflect the barriers to the operations of relevant social processes such as the flow of information, competition, and regulation). A crucial part of defining a population is getting this part of the specification right.
The population defined by a given form in a particular system is the set of organizations in that system that are members of the form minus the set of organizations in that system that are classified by default into any of the proper subidentities of the identity.
Demography and Population Studies (Carroll & Hannan, 2000, p 27-28) --
Formal demography is ""concerned with size, distribution, structure, and changes of populations."" (Shryock and Siegel (1971, 2 as cited in Carroll & Hannan, 2000, p 26). This means that formal demographic analysis addresses the flows of vital events in time and develops population-level implications of the flows.
Population studies examine variables such as births, deaths, locations, life spans, earnings as well as relationships between population changes and other variables such as social, economic, political, biological, genetic, geographical, and the like. Population studies encompass a far broader range of issues and types of research than formal demography. Hauser and Duncan (1959), equate the field with the study of ""determinants and consequences of population trends.""