power relations

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Power is constraint; conflicting constraints translate in human terms to power relations.

Power relations form figurations, or groupings, in which some are included and others are excluded and where power balance is tilted in favor so some groupings and against others (Elias, [1939] 2000, in Stacey, 2007, pp 299). It is these groupings that play an important role in the outcome of management activity. Belonging to a group establishes powerful feelings, constituting each individual's 'we' identity. These 'we' identities derived from the groups we belong to, cannot be separated from the each of our 'I' identities. Mead (1934) explains that processes of relating form and are formed by the individual and collective identities. These processes reflect complex processes of power relating as part of the processes of interaction. (Stacey, 2007, pp 299)

Discourse and power relations --
Discourse is the conversational form in a community of practice. Discourse is of central importance, because in establishing what is acceptable for people to talk about in a community, and how it is acceptable to talk, the conversational form, or discourse, establishes people's relative power positions and therefore who they are and what they do together. Every community of practice is characterized by a dominant discourse, the most acceptable way to converse, which reflects power positions supported by ideologies. (Stacey, 2007, pp 2)

Necessity to recognize and challenge power relations --
Creativity is intertwined with destruction. This insight is concealed when harmony and sharing are placed at the center. Recognition of power relations, their influence, and their shifting nature brings issues to the forefront, which would otherwise go unrecognized or unaddressed, for discussions.

Ideology... --
Besides power relations, there are other strong influences shaping conversation, thought, and action, for example, ideology.