stocks and flows diagram
Stocks and flows is a systems thinking tool at the core of
Types of elements --
With stocks and flows there are two kinds of elements in a system. 'Stocks' are elements accumulate over time and can be measured. 'Flows' represent elements that change over time. Flows lead to changes in stock levels while both flows and stock levels can increase or decrease over time. 'Stocks' are sometimes labeled 'accumulators'.
Possible interrelationships between elements of a system include --
- A change in one element adds to another element
- A change in one element causes the opposite type of change in another element
- Proportional change, either reinforcing or balance, between two elements
Insights --
In line with the system characteristics of
The nature of the element will not change the structure of a system. On the other hand, the nature of the links, and whether an element is a flow or a level, will change the behavior of the
Stocks and flows are the basis for computer modeling of systems behavior.