management fads
See Also
What makes a management technique a fad is not the technique itself. The techniques typically are developed, refined, and successfully employed by organizations prior to becoming popular. What makes them a fad is that business leaders adopt them as panaceas without truly understanding the technique and the context of their situation - and calling what they are doing strategy or leadership.
The management techniques cited as fads are not bad techniques per se - they are just not substitutes for leadership. They also cause more harm than good when misapplied. When the organization is rallied to pursue technique after technique without achieving promised results - it becomes very conscious of the wasted time, money, and energy - becoming cynical as a result.
Fads since the late 1980s --
- Total quality
- Kaizen
- Lean
- Benchmarking
- Best practices
- Flexible manufacturing
- Value creation
- Strategic intent
- Continuous improvement
- Cross-functional teams
- Revitalization
- Restructuring
- Reengineering
- Organizational transformation
- Six-sigma
- Business process redesign
- Organizations as orchestras
- The new organization
- The self designing organization
- The hybrid organization
- The post-entrepreneurial organization
- The post-industrial organization
- Knowledge workers
- Empowerment
- Diversity
- Entrepreneurs
- Intrapreneurs
- Innovation itself is even becoming a fad.